A Memorandum of Understanding
Between Shatt Al-Arab University College, Iraq,
And Kut University College, Iraq
As education is considered to be an important factor in the comprehensive development and a pivotal foundation in building up a modern society, and due to the desire of both Shatt Al-Arab University College and Ibn Tufail University, hitherto referred to as "the two parties", in promoting relationships in the academic and cultural fields, exchanging expertise through joint application of the potentialities of both parties, activating scientific and human links that serve the progress of people, besides the cultural dialogue among various civilizations, the two parties have agreed on the following:
Article 1
The two parties exchange visits of faculty staff members as follows:
1. Conducting joint research work for (1 - 3) months.
2. Exchanging expertise and delivering lectures for (1 - 4) weeks.
3. Teaching students of the other party for one term only.
4. The afore-mentioned clauses are carried out in accordance with the rules and procedures of both parties based on the written approval of the Preside / Dean.
Article 2
1. Each party invites representatives of the other party to participate in conferences, symposiums, and seminars. The researchers concerned are invited on condition that the inviting party pays all expenses except for travel expenses.
2. Both parties should seek to work and cooperate with research and production institutions to secure training, planning, and also acquainting students and graduates with these procedures.
Article 3
The two parties exchange visits of teaching staff faculty and the administrative and technical cadres with the aim of training and exchanging of expertise. The number of persons invited, their specialties, and the duration of the visit are defined through written letters. Accordingly, the receiving party would pay all expenses of the invited persons except for travel expenses which are to be paid by the delegating party.
Article 4
The two parties exchange books, publications, journals, and research work in the scholarly fields concerned in the languages that are useful for both of them. Such a step should comply with the laws and regulations of intellectual property in force in both countries.
Article 5
The two parties exchange students' delegations for academic and cultural purposes. The delegating party should pay the travel expenses while the hosting party should pay the expenses of lodging, internal transportation, and daily pocket money for(1 - 4) weeks. The students' delegation should be headed by a faculty staff member as a supervisor. The number of students and the duration of the visit should be defined through prior correspondence between the two parties.
Article 6
1. The executive programs related to implementing this Memorandum are exchanged taking into consideration certain specialties and activities with the aim of promoting cooperation between the two parties.
2. Each party should nominate a coordinator whose duty is to put this Memorandum into effect according to the provisions agreed upon.
Article 7
1. The nature of any visit and the number of delegates should be decided according to prior correspondence between the two parties.
2. No new clause should be added to or amended on the Memorandum without the prior candid and written consent of the two parties.
Article 8
This Memorandum comes into force when it is signed by the two parties and ratified by the authorities concerned. It will be effective for five years, extendable thereafter, unless one party wishes, through written form, to end it 6 months before it comes to a close.
Article 9
Any disputes resulting from implementing the Memorandum or expounding it should be solved through direct agreement between the two parties. In case no solution is arrived at, then a coordinating committee should be formed accordingly to find an end for the dispute. When this committee fails to find a suitable solution, then this Memorandum of Understanding would be terminated.
Article 10
Financial and administrative affairs are agreed upon through direct contacts between the two parties. All details related to these affairs are defined according to an executive program annexed to the text of the memorandum and becomes part of it.
Article 11
The rights of intellectual ownership have to be maintained and promoted in compliance with the laws and regulations in force in both countries.
Article 12
In case the memorandum is cancelled or suspended, the two parties should agree to carry out the activities already agreed upon until it is expired.
Article 13
Stating the languages used to write down this Memorandum of Understanding, the legal justification for using them, besides defining the language counted on to expound the clauses of the Memorandum.
Article 14
Facilitating granting the entry visa for the delegates of both parties.
This Memorandum of Understanding is in 5 pages including 14 Articles. The Memorandum was signed in Yaluva city, Turkey, on 2 July, 2021 in two copies having equal legal authority.
First Party Second Party
Shatt Al-Arab University College, Kut University College, Iraq,
Singed by/ Signed by/
Dr. Aqeel M. Jassim, For the Professor Abdul Jalil Dhary
Dean of the College For the Dean of the College